Most of what I have comes from the Bucknam-Buckman Genealogy, available from Snackerty Enterprises. RFD 2, Box 668, Center Barnstead, NH 03225
It's interesting how the name of Ezra keeps popping up! Barnabas Coffin Bucknam was my forbearer and had a brother Ezra who was the solution to the Maine Maritime Museum puzzler on our home page.
You are correct concerning John, who was born in Columbia, Maine in 1804. They didn't know what happend to him except that he was married in New York and had one son, Enos, and mysteriously disappeared in 1832-1833. It was reported that the mother and son moved to California.
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Hi-- We were tracing our Bucknam roots and found your website. Judging by the family trees we've found, we may be related. What a surprise to see you were born in Modesto as we're originally from Sonora, Tuolumne County, California, but are now in Sacramento.
One of my husband's great-great grandfathers was Ezra Taylor Bucknam [born in Chelsea, Mass], who came to Tuolumne in 1869. We suspect this John Bucknam was the younger brother of your Barnabas. According to a family tree we found on the Internet, he was born 1804 in Columbia Maine, two years after Barnabus. But without knowing for sure what his middle name was or who he married, we can't prove the connection.
Do you have any additional family info that would add to our search? Thanks for any help you can offer......... Norma & Skip Ingalls