James H. Kanzelmeyer
5219 Webb St.
Aliquippa, PA 15001-4943
Phone (724) 378-4349
December 14, 1997
Charles H. Bucknam
Newmont Metallurgical Services
10101 East Dry Creek Road
Englewood CO 80112
Dear Charles:
This disk contains the latest versions (designated V 4.12) of the DOS based E-1 statistics programs. They should run on any PC if it is booted up on this disk or a copy of it. The programs ElS and ElE should run under any version of DOS 3.0 or higher. I cannot predict how they will run as DOS applications within the Windows environment. I would not recommend anyone waste time trying it in view of the ease with which it can be booted and run from a floppy disk.
If you are going to make it available via the internet, a potential user should download all the files (including boot files and example ILS data files) on media to fit their boot drive. There are 28 files containing 431,728 bytes if my "tools" program is correct.
New users should call up the README or TYPEME programs for explanations of how to get started with either the E 1601 calculations (program ElS) or the E 1763 evaluation program ElE). ElS calculates, prints tables, and stores in files the reproducibility index statistics from an ILS. ElE can read the information it needs directly from the ElS files or you can manually enter the reproducibility statistics yourself.
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